Tuesday, March 10, 2009

26. You're clouding up my mind

I put the necklace back on the shelf since I had no money to actually buy it. I poked around in the store a little longer, then went back out to the beach. Everyone was in the water, so I walked along the edge of the water. I scanned the crowds to see if the blond guy was there. Not that I was interested or anything, just curious.

He wasn't around.

"How were the shops?" Cameron asked, running up to me.

"Eh, fine." I threw a look over my shoulder.

"Are you looking for someone?"

"What?" I spun around, "No. Why?"

"You keep looking around."

"Well, I'm just observing people."

"Sounds pretty convincing," She laughed. "So seriously, what are you looking for?"

I figured she'd hound me till she found out anyways, so I spilled the beans.

"Holy crap! Jamie! You gotta find him! I wanna meet him!" She squealed.

Finders keepers. Not like he'd be interested in me anyways.

Cameron ran up to the rest of the gang who were just coming out of the water, "Haha, Jamie found a guy."

"I'll bet he'd not as good lookin' as me." Derek struck a goofy pose.

"Dork." Cameron pushed him.

"What? Cameron no. I only said I said "hi" to a guy who was laughing at me. We didn't exchange names or phone numbers or anything."

"Whatev. It's still something to talk about." She grinned. "Where's Payton?"

"He was just here." Jade said, looking around. "Oh, there he is. Back at our stuff."

The conversation moved to other things. They started planning out tomorrow. Celebrity hunting or something. I wasn't really paying attention.


Unknown said...

mwahahahh FIRST
now what would be REALLY good is if she never sees the blond dude again..
then again...the author probably has it all planned out ;)
i still like payton better

cady said...

LOL, Sil. We agree. XD

Except for Payton, maybe . . . eh.


Yes, I have become job-obsessed as of late.

Cait said...

Hahhaaa..oh Jamie needs to be caught in the middle of something..=D

Unknown said...

hey he sings!

cady said...

LOL. Your dashboard is gay.

No, I posted it at the time it says on my DL: 12:20.