Monday, March 9, 2009

25. You talk a good game

My skin was getting a little pink.

"Hey does anyone have some sun screen?" I asked.

"Why would we have that?" Cameron laughed, "We want to get TAN!"

"Well, I'd like to get a little color, but I don't want skin cancer. I'm already a little pink, and I don't want to be a tomato."

"Do you want to go?" Payton asked.

"Well, you guys can stay. I'm gonna go into one of the shops." I got up and started brushing sand off my legs.

"Alright. Catch up with you later." He said.

I found a store that looked interesting and went inside. I started poking around, looking at random stuff. I picked up a shell necklace and was trying to figure out how they wove the shells together. I heard laughing behind me, so I turned to see who it was. The guy couldn't have been older than twenty. He had medium length wavy blond hair, was tall, and very tan. He looked like a surfer, and probably was. He had a twinkle in his eye as he smiled at me.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You are." His smile got wider. "You're looking at that necklace like there's a secret code written on it, and you're trying to decode it."

"Well, you're not too far off. I'm trying to figure out how they made it."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. I'm wierd like that."

"No. It's cool." He at the time on his phone. "Well I gotta go. See you around?"

"Sure, probably" I said.

"Later." He walked out the door and out to a jeep with a surfboard in the back seat.

Go figure.


cady said...

Bahaha. I had such a clear visual of this.

ellie said...

Cool. Love those kind of shops. & what's in them and who knows who might be waiting. Keep going.

& thanks much for the comment too.

Cait said...

I'm glad she's smart enough to stay out of the sun. Hmmmm...gotta wonder if she'll be seeing this surfer dude again.

Unknown said...

I bet Payton wanted to go with her.

simon n josh

the oaks

Lonely Heart said...

You know, I think I would have done the same thing with the necklace.

Did you ever see the guy again?