Friday, January 9, 2009

17. Words and Whispers

Hey Mom...

Just thought I should let you know I'm ok. It's been an interesting journey, and I really love it here, so far anyways. I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye or telling you where I was going, but I just needed to get away. Virginia wasn't where I wanted to be, and I knew that if I didn't leave then, I never would. I hope you and Dad didn't worry too much. I mean of course you probably were worried, but just know that I am an adult and can take care of myself. I'll write again sometime soon.

I clicked Send and shut my laptop.


Blanca Seyer said...

Glad for u.
Smile brightly to the world. =]

cady said...

Emphasis on "adult" and not "runaway"

cady said...

Uh, hint, Laney. I didn't lie, I just didn't tell the whole truth.


Lonely Heart said...

Wow. I admire you for doing something like that. Did you plan on leavingfor awhile or were you flying by the seat of your pants, so to speak?

And thank you for checking out my blog and following it!