Wednesday, November 19, 2008

12. A rocky landing on a mountainside

“Hey guess what?” Payton came rushing into my work the next day.

“What?” I said giving someone their order.

“I found an apartment!”

“What?" I almost spilled the customer's coffee. "Where?”

“It's a small apartment several blocks away from here. It had two bedrooms and one bathroom, but it's almost a thousand dollars a month. They usually charge like three month's rent in advance, but I explained that we didn't have that kind of money yet but we really needed the room. Then I mentioned that I could maybe help him out with anything to help pay for rent, and he decided to hire me as his mechanic for the whole apartment building!”

“Payton that's awesome! When do we get to move in?”

“Next Tuesday. So we'll have to stay in the hotel until then.”

“Well, at least we found a place! When do you start working for him?”

“When we move in. Hey I got to go tell the others. Catch up with you later!” He said heading for the door.

“Alright. See ya!” I called after him.

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