Monday, March 16, 2009

28. Everyone buried in wasteland

"Beach time." Payton came running into Barnes and Nobles.

"Haha. Again?" I said as I stacked the plates behind the counter.

"Don't start with that. Derek made friends with a guy who has a surfboard, and he's going to teach us."

"Sounds like um, fun."

"Come on, I thought you liked the beach now."

"Yeah, just not everyday. And besides, I have to get sunscreen."

"With what? Your good looks?"

"Very funny."

"But seriously, every cent we have is going towards food and rent."

"Every cent? So, how are you paying for gas everytime you go to the beach."

"Well, for one we don't drive TO the beach, we drive to a parking lot close by so we can walk to avoid paying to get in, and secondly, we only drive like 5 minutes."

"So why can't you just walk all the way?"

"Because it saves us like 10 minutes of walking?"

"It's excercise"

"It takes too long!"

"So you're saying it's not worth it?"


"I'm just sick and tired of being the only one who actually gets paid, and you guys waste all my hard earned money on gas for going to the beach and such."

"I've only had to fill the tank up like 3 times since we've been here."

"Every drop counts."

"And, I HAVE a job."

"YOUR job only helps keep the rent lower than it should be."

"But it's helping!"

"Barely! And everyone else is too busy "celebrity hunting" instead of JOB HUNTING!"

"Do you want them to pull jobs out of thin air?"

"No, but I would feel better if they were actually trying to find jobs."

"They DID!"

"They didn't apply everywhere, only at the places that interested them. Such as, lifeguard, band member, shopping centers, and the like. Granted, Jade branched out more than the other two, but still."

"You know, you could have stayed in Virginia!"

"And where would you guys be? Living in the car still right?"

No answer.

"That's what I thought." I stormed out of the building.


cady said...

Bahaha. Ouch.

Cait said...

serves him right.

ellie said...

Are you sure storming out of the building was a the best thing to do if you're on the job..well, I know I know I have a friend who would have. She just got fired from Target. She always has to get in fights at concerts.

Keep Writing!

Cait said...

Thanks for the note. Hope you are having some great weather there and having a lovely week.