Tuesday, February 24, 2009

19. Something's gotta give now.

Finally it was moving day, even though there really wasn't much to "move." Just the suitcases and such in the car, but we made a big deal out of it. None of us liked living in the hotel. Having our own place gave us a renewed sense of why we were here. To live on our own and start afresh. Our dream was becoming a reality and we were ecstatic.

"When I get a job, I'm going to buy curtains and other things to brighten up this place. It's so boring." Cameron said, practically dancing.

Oh yeah, about them finding jobs. Since they had pretty much combed the entire city without luck, they decided to take a break from job hunting for a month. Pretty smart eh? I just bite my tongue and work my hardest. No one can say I havent' been pulling my weight. In fact, I'm really the only one working. Sure Payton is working for the landlord, but that's just to keep the rent down. It's not bringing in any actual money. That's left up to me.

"So where are we all gonna sleep?" Derek asked. "Hey we should get a TV." He walked over to a spot in the room. "Right here would be a good spot for it."

Why don't you go out, get a job, and buy one then?

After I unloaded my stuff, I quietly slipped out of the building. Jade followed me.

"What do you think of it?" she asked.

"It's pretty good. I just hope we can keep it." Shoot. Why did I say that?

"What do you mean?"

"Well," I started slowly, "I hope we can keep up with the rent and stuff, since we're not getting much in the way of income."

"Yeah, but pretty soon the rest of us will have jobs and it will be easier." She picked up piece of grass and twisted in several knots. "It must be frustrating being the only one with a job and not being able to really keep any of what you've earned." She tossed the sad piece of grass aside and twirled her hair. "But, it must also be nice knowing that you're the first one to get a job get us started in the right direction. I mean, without you, we'd probably still be sleeping in the car in an abandoned lot somewhere, without any food."

It amazed me how this "emo" girl could be so optomistic. I mean, weren't they supposed to be all like "I hate life" and "leave me alone?" Hm..maybe I shouldn't pre-judge people based on stereotypes...


cady said...

LOL . . . most "emos" are the nicest people I know.

Alayna Whisper said...

Jamie isn't exactly the best informed person. XD

Lonely Heart said...

I hope the new place works out for you guys. And I really hope that everyone else finds a job soon, but the taking a months off thing isn't the greatest idea. They've got to know that it's hard enough for you to fork over everything you've earned.

Hmmm I'm not one for stereotypes. People can surprise you.