Thursday, January 15, 2009

18. These broken lights, they shine on us tonight

I decided to analyze our situation. We were living off my small income, we had an apartment we were moving into in several days, we were all half-starved, and no one, except me and Payton, was having any luck with finding jobs.

Derek only applied to jobs that had little work involved and that gets him babes. He continues to mooch off me for money, and Payton for the car.

I have no idea what's going on with Jade. I never see the girl. She's never at the hotel. Sometimes I see her scribbling in a notebook at like 1 in the morning. I wonder what she writes in it.

Cameron has a set schedule; she looks for jobs from 8 A.M. to 1 P.M., then she goes to the beach and soaks in some rays or flirts with guys. When it rains she either comes to the shop and talks my ear off while I try to work, or tags along with someone while they go job hunting.

And Payton. He's already got a "job." I honestly don't know how that one's gonna play out. When he's with all of us, he gets kinda quiet, but when he's with me, he seems more open. Maybe that's cuz I don't talk much? Who knows.

I really am sick of these people. I know I shouldn't be because they helped me get here and I'm going to have to live with them, but I am. Ugh, I wish I could stop wishing for things. I feel even more tied down here than I did back home. I mean, I have 5 people and living off my earnings. Is it too much to ask for a little help in return?


cady said...

-tsk tsk-

Gotta think about these things, Jamie.

Helennn Louise said...


Just saw your comment on my story blog so I thought I'd drop by and say Hello.

Your blog looks cool :)

Hope to read more soon...X

Mr Bam-bam said...

sounds pretty intense..and inspiring for me. im a junior in HS and wondering where my life will be going the next few years.

Lonely Heart said...

Oh dear. I'm really sorry things aren't going they way you thought they would. That's the hard part about moving in with other people, you find out who they really are. And things that annoy you become very obvious.

I really hope you get settled down soon, and things begin to look up for you.

cady said...

Fall Out Boy: GINASFS.

Anonymous said...

dude. i love this story.

Anonymous said...

why thank you! and i also love your name. it's basically perfect.

Unknown said...

just to let u know im still reading! :P

and veri veri interesting it iz!